Free Guided Meditations
We're sharing guided meditations to help with stress and anxiety, including favorites like relaxed dishwashing (yes, really). Embrace the messy, imperfect journey of mindfulness—wherever you are in your practice. Explore our app for more.

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Matthew Hepburn
Soothe anxiety to sleep
If you’re getting into bed with a revved up nervous system, this sleep meditation on calm, pleasure, and gratitude will help you gently wind down.[COVID]_MH_30min.mp3

Alexis Santos
Coffee meditation
Get grounded and even joyful during your daily coffee routine by mindfully easing into the day and appreciating the simple moments in life.[wakingup-healthyroutines]329_AS_10min.mp3

Susan Kaiser Greenland
Shake it up
(Ages 4-10) We can shake to the sound of a drum to help settle down if we feel restless and wake up if we feel sleepy. Want to give it a try?[COVID19]_SKG_4min.mp3

Susan Kaiser Greenland
Fun house mirror
(Ages 4-10) In this mindful game, two partners will mirror each other's movements to explore awareness of the body.[COVID19]_SKG_6min.mp3

Oren Jay Sofer
Loneliness and belonging
In times of loneliness, there are practices that can help. Oren offers words and wisdom to help you rekindle a sense of belonging.

Alexis Santos
Facing uncertainty
Discomfort with the unknown is a natural human response. This guided meditation will help you relax as you practice allowing the rhythm of life to unfold.[Happiness-acceptance]103_AS_10min.mp3

Susan Kaiser Greenland
Shake and release
(Ages 11-18) Cooped up? Shaking then pausing can help you become more alert if you feel dull, or to settle down if you feel restless.[COVID19]_SKG_10min.mp3

Diana Winston
Worrying about kids
You won’t get out of parenting worry free, but you can shift from feeling anxious to feeling balanced, caring and even hopeful—give it a try.[Fam-Parent]049_DW_10min.mp3

JoAnna Hardy
You are not alone
Use meditation to connect to how you’re feeling and to unlearn the habit of abandoning yourself when you most need to feel connected.

Sharon Salzberg
Basic relaxation
Take a few minutes to relax. In this meditation, Sharon will lead you in tensing and then relaxing your face, hands, shoulders, and back.

Jessica Morey
Mindfulness when you're online
(Mindfulness for Teens) Explore with Jess what it really, actually feels like to use your phone or device.[Teens]_JMo_10min.mp3

JoAnna Hardy
Off your game
Sometimes we feel like we just can’t get it together. This guided meditation will help you find some ease and inner peace in the midst of feeling insecure.

Diana Winston
Before eating together
(Ages 4-8) Take a moment to step into your senses and revel in the smells & tastes of your meal. Plus: enjoy pausing for a moment of gratitude.

Anushka Fernandopulle
Take a work break
You can refresh your energy in just a few moments. If you do it mindfully, you'll boost your presence and attention for the rest of the day.[W&P-Habits]158_AF_10min.mp3

Jay Michaelson, Ph.D.
For coronavirus responders
At the center of ongoing need & chaos, it can feel impossible to be centered & grounded. Here's a portable practice for weathering the storm.

Sebene Selassie
Money worries
Stressed about the strained economy? You’re not alone. Sebene offers tools to help see the abundance we all have in our lives.[DiffEmot-Ang_Frust_Fear]215_SSE_10min.mp3

Matthew Hepburn
How to calm down
Bring yourself down from a level 10 to a level 2—stimulating the calming parasympathetic nervous system with validated timeless practices.[COVID]_MH_10min.mp3

Sebene Selassie
Self-kindness for stress
Showing self compassion to ourselves in hard times bolsters our resilience, so we can learn from setbacks rather than getting stuck in rumination.

Jay Michaelson, Ph.D.
Serenity prayer
In tumultuous times you can use meditation to strengthen serenity, courage, and wisdom; the qualities found in the famous Serenity Prayer.

Jeff Warren
Ocean breathing
Deep breathing helps you bring down your energy and get your body into a state of relaxation and restoration.

Jeff Warren
Don't take on others' stress
Stress doesn't have to be contagious. This meditation for stress will guide you through staying boundaried, calm, and kind when stress is in the air.

Jeff Warren
Ten good breaths
The breath is your most loyal groupie. It follows you everywhere. Use it to your advantage by taking ten good breaths to feel better.

Anushka Fernandopulle
Gathering focus
Regather your attention with this short meditation. Afterwards, you can use that newfound focus to make progress on whatever matters most.

Jessica Morey
Transforming anger meditation
Go from 'seeing red' to seeing the value in anger without being carried away by it and doing or saying things you'll regret later.

Susan Kaiser Greenland
This is workable
(Ages 11-18) Sometimes everything just feels too hard. Use mental recitation to quiet a busy mind & make strong emotions feel more workable.[COVID19]_SKG_10min.mp3

Matthew Hepburn
Boosting low energy
If you're stuck in boredom, numbness, or laziness, this session is designed to dial up your sensory experience and up your energy levels.[COVID]128-195_MH_10min.mp3

JoAnna Hardy
With your pet around the house
Settle your nerves and find a little joy in the company of your furry friend(s).

Alexis Santos
Natural mindful walking meditation
Taking a relaxed walk mindfully will soothe the nervous system, get you outside, and can refresh you mentally when you’re feeling low or off.[PhysicalHealth-TakeAWalk]374_AS_10min.mp3

Jay Michaelson, Ph.D.
Calming crisis anxiety
This meditation session helps you practice setting down anxious thinking to create an island of calm amidst a crisis.[COVID19]_JM_10min.mp3

Susan Kaiser Greenland
Mindful listening
(Ages 6-10) This session brings listening to life and helps to relax the body.[COVID19]_SKG_7min.mp3

Jeff Warren
Relaxed dishwashing
Relaxation and presence can be practiced at any time. Jeff shows you how to bring awareness into the everyday task of washing dishes.

Jessica Morey
Meditation for parents
Cultivate these five research-backed qualities of good parenting: presence, attunement, compassion, delight, and support.[Family]996_JMo_10min.mp3

Alexis Santos
Mindful screentime
Bringing the power of mindfulness to your work life is a game changer. Start your next work session by building 20min of mindful momentum.[W&P-gettingthingsdone]146_AS_20min.mp3

Jessica Morey
Kind and generous intentions
Brighten your mind and be a force for good today by practicing intentions of kindness, generosity, and honesty with Jess.

Dan Harris
Is worrying useful?
In this free guided meditation, learn how taking a step back from your anxious mind can actually help you stop it in its tracks.

Joseph Goldstein
Calm in big transitions
During major life transitions your emotional and mental world can kick into overdrive. Learn how staying in the eye of the hurricane can make stress management easier.[Stress-Stress_in_LIfe]_JG_10min.mp3

Jeff Warren
The slow motion dial
(6-8) You can go from so much energy you feel like you’re shooting lightning bolts out of your hairdo to mega-slow-motion. Chill & have fun!

Joseph Goldstein
It's okay to feel this
Meditation teacher Joseph Goldstein teaches you how to authentically accept difficult emotions to make them more manageable and less overwhelming.
Do what it actually takes to be happier.